
Its really not cool for us to compare ourselves with other people just for our satisfaction (which i means to judging em). Yes; we might know their name, their stories but we didn't know what they had been through to stand in this position right now. We might say "aku penah rasa perasaan kau sekarang, rilek lah. aku pun dulu jatuh sekarang aku ok je macam tade pape" laidat. Yes again; we might have been through in the same situation, same shoes with that person, same hypertension but actually we did not -at all. Ask me why? Sebab mungkin kau penah berada dalam kasut yang sama, penderitaan yang sama tapi kaki kau dapat kesan melecet yang berbeza, kesakitan yang berbeza. Ada yang langsung tak melecet. Lain orang pakai kasut = lain kesan melecet.

(Afiqah, 24/6/2013)

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